Team Members: Setup and Permissions

Organize and manage your team of translators, project managers, marketers, and others for each of your projects.

You can invite new team members to your organization in your Team Settings under Manage Organization.

Owners have unrestricted access to organization, billing, team settings, and Admin access on all projects. Member access is customizable; each Member can be provided specific permissions that can be applied to the organization, all projects or individual projects.

Watch this short video to learn more.

Manage Your Team

Add Team Member

1) Select Add Team Member

You can invite new team members to the organization by clicking the Add Team Member button.

2) Add the new Team Member

  1. Enter their full name
  2. Enter their email address
  3. Select their role as Owner or Member (see below)
  4. Click Add team member to invite them to your team.
  5. An email invitation will be sent to them.
  6. They will need to click the link in the invitation email, so their email address can be confirmed.

Resend Invite

If one of your team members has yet to confirm their email address, you might want to click the Resend Invite button next to their name.

Update Team Member

At any time you can select the Manage Access button for a team member and modify their permissions. Simply choose the new permissions and select Save.

Remove Team Member

If you no longer need a specific team member in your organization, you can remove them by clicking the Remove member link at the bottom of the Access Permissions dialog for that member.

Search for a Team Member

You can use the search option to find a team member using their name or email address.



Understanding Roles & Permissions

A Team consists of Owners and Members with customizable access and permissions.

Owners - Owners have unrestricted access to organization, billing, team settings, and is an Admin on all projects.

Members - Members access is customizable; each member can be provided specific permissions that can be applied to the organization, all projects or individual projects.

Owner Role

Owners have all Organization Permissions and all Projects Permissions.


Member Role

For any Member, you’ll have to customize their access and permissions.



Organization Permissions

Organization Permissions are applied to the entire Organization.

Manage OrganizationManage the Organization or make any edits to Organization Settings.
View TeamAll team members will have viewing rights to see who their team members are and their access permissions (Owner or Member).
Create projectsAdd new Projects to the Organization.
BillingManage payment details, make subscription changes and purchase credits for translation orders.

Project Permissions

Project Permissions can be applied to all Projects or specific Projects in the Organization.

AdminAdmins have full project access that includes managing team members and project settings. They also have all project permissions regarding content approval, translations, translation orders, languages, and changes to the default language-switching widget.
Translation ManagerAdd, edit, delete and review translations in all languages or selected languages.
TranslatorAdd new translations in all languages or selected languages. Export files.
Content ManagerApprove, block, and delete Phrases. Manage glossary terms. Create documents. Import files.
Phrase KeysEdit phrase keys. (requires the Phrases permission)
OrderPlace orders for professional translations with organization credits.
LanguagesEnable and disable languages.
AnnouncementsPost project-wide announcements.
Site EditorEnable and disable the Site Editor feature which allows you to edit the source content of your website.
ViewView projects and settings, without access to make changes.