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Restrict Language Options

I have a Project with five languages. I may want to only show two of those language options for certain users on the web app. Can I restrict the list in the widget to just those two languages via the Javascript API?

Team Page - A Couple Feature Requests

1. The "Search Team" tool doesn't currently return results when using searching addresses. It would be great if I could search users using their email - or parts of email, such as email domains. 2. Copy user - I often want to make sets of users with the exact same permissions. It would be great if I could copy a user's set of permissions to another one. 3. Import via CSV - I find myself needing to create users in bulk when I start handling language approvals for supporting a new language. It would be great if I could bulk import users and their permissions with a CSV.

Language code

What is the language code for US Spanish or Pan American Spanish?

Add Glossary

Hai, my website contains some keywords like Refine New/Refine Deals/Refine Markets ect.. In my context here refine means filtering, when i tried to translate refine news in chineese it's getting like optimizing news and refine deals trasnlating as optimizing transactions, I have added these keywords to gloassary (refine news as filter news, refine deals as filter news) and tried to trasnlate as given in glosssary but no luck.. Please help me how to use glossary properly and how to solve this kind of issues..

Easy way to not translate everything in Localize

Is there a way to not translate everything on localize? What I am noticing is that when unpublishing, or moving a phrase to Blocked or Deprecated, it automatically get's repopulated and translated. Is there a easy way to make sure specific phrases on the platform that we are using it for does not get translated? Thank you for your help.

<textarea> value localized on change

We are running into an issue with our text area tags sending every value to the Localize API on change. Ex. ``` H He Hel Hell Hello ``` Anytime a user updates a `<textarea>` tag, our pending phrases are flooded with useless info. We have tried ``` <div data-notranslate> <textarea></textarea> </div> <div> <textarea data-notranslate></textarea> </div> <div notranslate> <textarea></textarea> <div> <div> <textarea notranslate></testarea> </div> ``` As well as using the ignored classes and ids. None of which seems to prevent this. Is this a bug? Or is there a setting that ignores `data-notranslate` for certain html tags that we may have added somewhere on accident? Context: This part of our site is loaded with static Html and uses the Localize cdn as described here:

Translate months without the date

We have a date picker widget that displays the selected date. I can not get Localize to translate the month when the day is present. The months in the calendar part of the widget translate fine when there is no day, but I can not get the date to translate.

Does it work with Gatsby

I have a Gatsby website with following setup: - <website-root>/<lang>/<routes> - we want content to be set at the build time (For crawlers to crawl through content) Is is supported yet?

Azure DevOps

Do you support repositories on Azure DevOps? Thanks in advance. JL

Angular Material support

Is there any way to make Angular Material Select selected option to save `notranslate` attribute? Is there some workaround? Each item in this list of options has `notranslate` ![]( This one hasn't (because there is only innerText binded to `span.mat-select-value-text`) ![]( *Template:* ```html <form [formGroup]="form"> <mat-form-field> <mat-label>Brand</mat-label> <mat-select formControlName="brand" [required]="true"> <mat-option *ngIf="!brands?.length" [value]="null">No brands</mat-option> <mat-option *ngFor="let brand of brands" [value]="" notranslate>{{}}</mat-option> </mat-select> </mat-form-field> </form> ``` Goal is to translate strings 'Brand' and 'No brands' but exclude any string from `{{}}`