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Latin American Spanish vs. Mexican Spanish

What is the difference between the two? I couldn't find anything online that explained it. The differences between Spain Spanish and Latin American Spanish are clear, but what about Mexican vs. Latin American? Mexican Spanish is not available on localize for human translations and that is what we need so I was trying to see what my options are. Thanks!

International Spanish vs. Standard Spanish

Is the Spanish language available (NOT Latin American) International Spanish or Standard Spanish?

Forms - input placeholder attribute

Our website has the following HTML (simplified here for clarity): ``` <label>Event Title</label> <input type="text" placeholder="Search..."> ``` We use Bootstrap v3.3, AngularJS, React and a mixture of things. The `placeholder` attribute is part of an HTML5 spec. It displays 'Search...' in light grey within the text box until a user types something. It is the browser displaying the placeholder in its internal rendering mechanism, there is no additional JS/CSS making the placeholder happen. In the example above I used 'Search...' but we use all sorts of phrases throughout our app depending on context. LocalizeJS is not picking this phrase up at all. What's the best way to proceed to have the placeholder translated? I thought about a rough solution which would be some kind of `$.ready()` style function executed on document load where: 1. For each HTML element that is an `input` and has attribute `placeholder` 1. get the value of `placeholder` 2. make a `Localize.translate()` call to translate that value 3. use some jQuery to re-set the `placeholder` attribute to the new value It feels a little rough and gross and I wonder if there is a mechanism that would allow us to do this. I keep thinking somebody else must have come across this problem. Thanks for the advice, Tommaso, Edinburgh (Scotland)

Angular Material support

Is there any way to make Angular Material Select selected option to save `notranslate` attribute? Is there some workaround? Each item in this list of options has `notranslate` ![]( This one hasn't (because there is only innerText binded to `span.mat-select-value-text`) ![]( *Template:* ```html <form [formGroup]="form"> <mat-form-field> <mat-label>Brand</mat-label> <mat-select formControlName="brand" [required]="true"> <mat-option *ngIf="!brands?.length" [value]="null">No brands</mat-option> <mat-option *ngFor="let brand of brands" [value]="" notranslate>{{}}</mat-option> </mat-select> </mat-form-field> </form> ``` Goal is to translate strings 'Brand' and 'No brands' but exclude any string from `{{}}`

Translations in Web Components

Hi I am creating web components to be reused in several applications on the same domain, all of which are using Localize. I would just like to know if the Localize can penetrate the shadow DOM to translate text inside of a web component. (I am using using Polymer 2.0) Thanks

Is the Spanish (es) the same international Spanish used by the UN?

Hi, I asked a question and got a response but it didn't answer my question - but as its been marked answered so I don't know if anyone will get back to my reply to his response. Sooooo I'm starting a new question... You have there are two Spanish languages available on your site. Spanish (es) and Latin American Spanish (es-LA) - we're not thinking about Mexico Spanish at this point. We would like to know if the Spanish (es) is the Spanish spoken in Spain or is an international version of Spanish used by the international organisations such as the UN, which is a combination of Spanish (es) and Latin American Spanish (es-LA). Could you confirm asap please. Thank you, Suzi

How to exlude page from phrase capturing

Is there any way to exclude search results from being phrases which are captured?

Is there a way to automate the translations without new phrases going into the Pending queue?

Hi, when new words are added to our French and Spanish sites, they go into "pending" and I manually have to check off the phrases (I have to do Select All) and then approve them. I don't know my target languages and we are using machine translations. Can we just have all phrases get automatically approved and translated without manual intervention? If the client complains that something is mis-translated, then we'll work with them on individual words that will trump the machine translations.

<span> and <href> splitting phrases

Content seems to split across different phrases when <span> and <href> appear. Has anyone encountered this issue? Is there a way to dictate which tags should mark the start of a new phrase? Thanks! Mario

Powerbi integration

Hello, I'm working with Microsoft PowerBI and to ensure readability for different clients I need to devise a way to integrate localizejs into "powerbi embeded" with all the difficulties, like the security token that changes every once in a while to access the embeded view. Has anyone ever came up with a similar project? Powerbi appears in the webpage as an Iframe of sorts, so just using Localizejs on the whole site has no effect on it.