See your active languages and add new ones
On the Languages page you can set your default machine translation settings, see your currently selected source and target languages, and get an overview of the status of the completed translations for those languages.
Default Translation Settings
Order Machine Translations
You can order automatically generated machine translations using one of our supported Machine Translation Engines (MTEs). This option is enabled by default, with the Google MTE selected as the default MTE for the Project. However, you can select a different MTE for each language in your project!
- Select the checkbox to toggle this option on or off.
- Click on Machine Translation Settings to choose the desired MTE per language.
- You can change the default MTE for the entire project.
- Then you can change the MTE for the desired languages.
- When ready, click Save.
To see a list of supported languages for the translation engines, click here...
Supported MTEs
We support the following Machine Translation Engines.
- Amazon
- Microsoft
- DeepL
Google | DeepL Glossary Sync
Using this feature will automate the translation of glossary terms when using the Google or DeepL Translate engines.
- Select the checkbox to toggle this option on or off, then select Save.
- Read more here about this feature.
Glossary Packs
Incorporating the Localize Glossary Packs feature will allow you to jumpstart your translation workflow with a list of the most common glossary terms used in the industry.
Read more here on how to activate and use this powerful feature.
Enabled Languages
This shows the list of languages that you have enabled in your Project along with the percentage of human vs machine vs untranslated content for each language.
- To disable a language, click on the Enable toggle.
- To reenable a disabled language, click Show disabled languages and toggle it back on again.
Adding a Language
To add a new language click the + Add Languages button.
Then you can either scroll through the list or search for a language by starting to type in the Add a language text entry field. After finding the desired language, click the Add button. You can add multiple languages by clicking in the bar again.
See the list of supported languages here.
Language Locales
If the language that you want to add has one or more locales, they will appear below the main language in the list. Simply select the desired locale or the main language.
Translation QA per Language
The Translation QA workflow can be enabled or disabled on a per-language basis.
Simply toggle the option on or off depending on your needs.
Translations May be Moved
Toggling off Translation QA for a language will move all translations in that are in any of the Translation QA bins into the Published bin.
Updated 2 months ago