System-generated Labels
When new phrases are added to your dashboard by Localize, system-generated labels will be automatically added to specific content types.
These labels can be used to filter your phrases to help you find specific types of content, e.g. title
tags and meta descriptions
, etc.
The following are the types of system labels available.
SEO-Related Metadata
The following system labels are added to phrases that contain metadata from the <head>
section of your website.
Use Human Translations for SEO-related Metadata
Localize highly recommends that you have human translators craft the language in these tags and attributes as a best practice for SEO.
Label Name | Description |
lzm-meta-description | Phrase is the text from a description meta tag |
lzm-meta-keywords | Phrase is the text from a keywords meta tag |
lzm-meta-og:description | Phrase is the text from a Facebook Open Graph: Description meta tag |
lzm-meta-og:title | Phrase is the text from a Facebook Open Graph: Title meta tag |
lzm-meta-twitter:description | Phrase is the text from a Twitter: Description meta tag |
lzm-meta-twitter:title | Phrase is the text from a Twitter: Title meta tag |
lz-page-title | Phrase is the text from a title tag |
<meta name="description" content="this is a phrase" />
<meta name="keywords" content="this is a phrase, keyword 2, keyword 3" />
<meta name="og:description" content="this is a phrase" />
<meta name="og:title" content="this is a phrase" />
<meta name="twitter:description" content="this is a phrase" />
<meta name="twitter:title" content="this is a phrase" />
<title>this is a phrase</title>
Example Use Case: Find All SEO-related Phrases
- To find all SEO-related phrases you can use the Predefined SEO Metadata Filter
- This will select all relevant system labels for you, and display the list of phrases.
- It's a best practice to have these phrases translated by a human so that they are more accurate for the search engines to find and when displayed in the search results.
- To check which of these phrases have not yet been translated by a human, combine this filter with the Translated By filter and select No Human Translation.
HTML Attributes
The following system labels are added to phrases that contain specific HTML attributes
in the <body>
section of your website.
Label Name | Description |
lza-alt | Phrase is the text from an alt attribute |
lza-aria-label | Phrase is the text from an aria-label attribute |
lza-isolate | Phrase contains an isolate , data-isolate or class="localize-isolate" attribute |
lza-placeholder | Phrase is the text from a placeholder attribute |
lza-pluralize | Phrase contains a pluralize or data-pluralize attribute |
lza-title | Phrase is the text from a title attributeNOTE: This is NOT the page title! |
lz-audio | The phrase contains the src attribute with a URL from an audio element. |
lz-dynamic-phrase | The phrase contains a variable that was created in the dashboard using the Define Variables feature. |
lz-has-variable | The phrase contains a <var> tag |
lz-image | The phrase contains a URL for the source language image file. |
<img src="some_URL" alt="this is a phrase" />
<p aria-label="this is a phrase">Another phrase</p>
<p class="localize-isolate">this is a phrase</p>
<p data-isolate>this is a phrase</p>
<p isolate>this is a phrase</p>
<input type="text" placeholder="this is a phrase">Another phrase</input>
You have <var pluralize="1">one</var> notification.
You have <var data-pluralize="1">one</var> notification.
<p title="this is a phrase">This is a different phrase.</p>
My roommate's name is: <var roommate>Nicole</var>.
Informational Labels
These labels are automatically applied to all phrases if they meet the following criteria.
Label Name | Description |
lz-non-source-language-phrase | The phrase is not in the source language of your project. - Helpful for finding and bulk-blocking non-source language content. |
lz-phrase-contains-number | The phrase contains a number. - Helpful for finding dates, currency, and other numbers. |
lz-phrase-contains-date | The phrase contains a date. |
lz-localized-date | Localize translated the date in the phrase to match the syntax for the target language. |
Phrase Contains Date: Supported Date Formats
When Localize finds a date in a source phrase it adds the system label lz-phrase-contains-date
. The following are the date formats that are supported by this feature.
Date Format | Example |
D/M/YYYY | 4/2/2016 |
DD/MM/YYYY | 14/12/2011 |
M/D/YYYY | 3/1/2001 |
MM/DD/YYYY | 12/24/1889 |
YYYY/M/D | 2030/9/2 |
YYYY/MM/DD | 2003/12/23 |
D-M-YYYY | 4-9-1987 |
DD-MM-YYYY | 13-11-1989 |
M-D-YYYY | 4-2-1889 |
MM-DD-YYYY | 05-02-1984 |
YYYY-M-D | 1988-2-1 |
YYYY-MM-DD | 2024-11-39 |
D.M.YYYY | 5.2.2013 |
DD.MM.YYYY | 24.11.2030 |
M.D.YYYY | 4.5.2014 |
MM.DD.YYYY | 12.24.1987 |
YYYY.M.D | 2011.3.4 |
YYYY.MM.DD | 2034.04.01 |
D MMM YYYY | 5 Feb 2022 |
DD MMM YYYY | 15 Jan 2100 |
MMM D, YYYY | Apr 2, 1923 |
MMM DD, YYYY | Mar 14, 1932 |
D MMMM YYYY | 8 June 2004 |
DD MMMM YYYY | 13 July 2010 |
MMMM D, YYYY | July 4, 1996 |
MMMM DD, YYYY | June 22, 2013 |
MMMM D YYYY | June 2 2022 |
MMMM DD YYYY | July 23 1998 |
Updated 21 days ago