Translation History
View revision history of translated phrases
Localize allows you to easily review the revision history of both phrases and translations right in the Phrases tab of your dashboard. Just click on the History link from the drop-down menu for the phrase.

Translation History
After clicking on History a pop-up modal like the one below will appear showing you the Translation History with the current and all previous versions of the translated phrase including the translation source and date.
You can see the following:
- Which translation is active (published) or inactive
- The date the translation was created
- Who created the translation
You have the following options for each translation:
- Unpublish - will unpublish the translation, making it inactive
- Delete - will permanently delete the translation

Example Use Case: See who did what in a translation
Sometimes it is necessary to see who made specific changes in a translation for a particular phrase. You may be questioning the quality of the translation or just need to know the thinking that went into the translation. Looking at the history can tell you who made the latest (and previous) changes.
Updated about 1 year ago