The Reports Overview page allows you to select from the available report types.
Watch this short video for an overview of the available reports:
View a chart of pageviews for the desired time period.
Watch this short video to learn how the rolling 30-day time period works when calculating pageviews.
How to filter the report
- Select a specific Project
- Select a default Time Period or a custom Date Range
- Select the Display Interval from: Days, Weeks, or Months
- Filter on specific Languages

Table data explained
The table below the chart will show a breakdown of the currently selected time period with data in the following columns:
- Project Name: All projects, or the currently selected project
- Date: The day or date range (when weeks/months is selected)
- Total: The total number of pageviews for that time period including source + target language(s)
- Unique: The number of unique visits
- Translated: The number of pageviews of translated content
The Total column is used when calculating pageviews for your account over the last rolling 30-day period. See How Pageviews are Calculated for more details.
Download Report
- Click the Download Report button to download a report as a PDF or a CSV file.
View a list of when translations were completed for the desired time period.
How to filter the report
- Select a specific Project
- Select a default Time Period or a custom Date Range
- Select the Display Interval from: Days, Weeks, or Months
- Filter on specific Languages
- Filter on a specific Translator: human translators, translation providers, or machine translations

Download Report
- Click the Download Report button to download a report as a PDF or a CSV file.
Machine Translations
View the amount machine translations that were generated for the desired time period.
Each subscription plan has a character limit on how many machine language characters can be translated on a rolling 30-day period.
How to filter the report
- Select a specific Project
- Select a default Time Period or a custom Date Range
- Select the Display Interval from: Days, Weeks, or Months

Download Report
- Click the Download Report button to download a report as a PDF or a CSV file.
API Usage
The API Usage report shows how many calls were made from your organization to the Localize REST API.
How to filter the report
- Select a specific Project
- Select a default Time Period or a custom Date Range
- Select the Display Interval from: Days, Weeks, or Months

Download Report
- Click the Download Report button to download a report as a PDF or a CSV file.
Visitor Language Preference
This report shows the number of visitors to your website that have their browser set to a specific language. For example, how many visitors prefer French? How many prefer Spanish?
The report not only shows which of your target languages users prefer but any language that happens to be set as the preferred language in their browser. This allows you to target potential new target languages that you might want to add based on your end-user preferences.
How to filter the report
- Select a specific Project
- Select a default Time Period or a custom Date Range
- Filter on specific Languages

Visitor Language Preference
The donut chart shows the top 5 to 6 languages that were requested.
- Hover over the bands in the donut to see totals, broken out by locale.
- Click on a language name to remove it from the donut.
- Click it again to restore it.
Top Language Preference Percentages
The top 6 languages will be called out and will show the percentage of requests for that language.
Top Languages
This will show you the count of visitors in a particular language, whether that language is currently supported in your project or not. This will help you to select new languages that you might want to add to your project.
- Click the dropdown next to a language name to view the Locales data.
- This will show the number of requests per Locale.
Supported in Project?
- Click the dropdown next to the Supported in project? column heading.
- Select Show All, Yes, or No to filter the list.
- The numbers in the column show the number of locales found that are supported in your project over the total locales found.
- e.g. 1/8 means one locale is supported in your project out of 8 locales found for that language.
- NOTE: To see values in this column, select a specific Project.
Download Report
- Click the Download Report button to download a report as a PDF file.
Updated 4 months ago