SAML SSO Setup for G Suite

Allow your users to login to Localize using G Suite as the Identity Provider

With SAML SSO for G Suite, your users will be able to login with their G Suite login, simplifying and securing their login to the Localize dashboard.

Click here for a general overview of the SAML SSO setup and login processes.

Setting up SAML SSO

The setup is similar for different IdPs. Below we provide the detailed steps for setting up a SAML SSO application using G Suite.

Step 1: Enable SAML SSO in Localize

First you'll need to enable the use of SAML SSO across your Localize Organization.

  1. Navigate to the Settings page under the Manage Organization menu item.
  2. Check the box next to Enable SAML SSO

This will display important information for Localize as the Service Provider (SP). You'll use this info later in the process.

Step 2: Create your SAML Application in G Suite

Next you'll need to use the information provided by Localize in the SSO Settings panel to create and set up your SAML application at G Suite.

  1. Open a new browser tab and login to the Google Admin portal
  2. Click on Apps
  3. Click on SAML apps
  4. Click on the ‘+’ to add an app
  6. The Google IDP Information window is displayed with IdP-specific info.
  7. Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the IdP certificate. Name it metadata.xml.
  8. Copy the SSO URL endpoint

Step 3: Enter the IdP Details in Localize

  1. Switch to the Localize browser tab
  2. Paste the SSO URL endpoint into the IdP URL field
  3. Open the metadata.xml file, copy the contents, and paste them into the Metadata text box.
  4. Click Save

Step 4: Finish your SAML App Setup

  1. Switch back to the G Suite tab.
  2. Click Next in the Google IDP Information window
  3. In the Basic information window, add an application name and an optional description.
  4. Click Next
  5. In the Service Provider Details window, enter the following information by copying-and-pasting from the Localize tab.
Entity IDLocalize-SSOThe unique Localize SP entity ID.
ACS URL(Copy and paste from the Localize settings page)The Localize endpoint that's responsible for receiving and parsing your SAML assertion.
Start URLhttps://app.localizejs.comThe URL at Localize that starts the SAML login process.
  1. For the Name ID field, select Basic Information and Primary Email
  2. For the Name ID Format field, select Email
  3. Click Next
  4. The Attribute Mapping window is displayed. Attribute mapping is optional and beyond the scope of this guide.
  5. Click FINISH
  6. A confirmation dialog will be displayed.
  7. Click OK

Step 4: Turn on your SAML App

  1. In the SAML Apps: Settings page, click EDIT SERVICE
  2. In the Service Status panel, click ON for everyone
  3. Click SAVE
  4. Make sure that the email addresses your users use to sign in to Localize match the email addresses they use to sign in to your G Suite domain.