SAML SSO Setup for G Suite
Allow your users to login to Localize using G Suite as the Identity Provider
With SAML SSO for G Suite, your users will be able to login with their G Suite login, simplifying and securing their login to the Localize dashboard.
Click here for a general overview of the SAML SSO setup and login processes.
Setting up SAML SSO
The setup is similar for different IdPs. Below we provide the detailed steps for setting up a SAML SSO application using G Suite.
Step 1: Enable SAML SSO in Localize
First you'll need to enable the use of SAML SSO across your Localize Organization.
- Navigate to the Settings page under the Manage Organization menu item.
- Check the box next to Enable SAML SSO

This will display important information for Localize as the Service Provider (SP). You'll use this info later in the process.
Step 2: Create your SAML Application in G Suite
Next you'll need to use the information provided by Localize in the SSO Settings panel to create and set up your SAML application at G Suite.
- Open a new browser tab and login to the Google Admin portal
- Click on Apps
- Click on SAML apps
- Click on the ‘+’ to add an app
- The Google IDP Information window is displayed with IdP-specific info.
- Click the DOWNLOAD button to download the IdP certificate. Name it metadata.xml.
- Copy the SSO URL endpoint
Step 3: Enter the IdP Details in Localize
- Switch to the Localize browser tab
- Paste the SSO URL endpoint into the IdP URL field
- Open the metadata.xml file, copy the contents, and paste them into the Metadata text box.
- Click Save
Step 4: Finish your SAML App Setup
- Switch back to the G Suite tab.
- Click Next in the Google IDP Information window
- In the Basic information window, add an application name and an optional description.
- Click Next
- In the Service Provider Details window, enter the following information by copying-and-pasting from the Localize tab.
Field | Value | Description |
Entity ID | Localize-SSO | The unique Localize SP entity ID. |
ACS URL | (Copy and paste from the Localize settings page) | The Localize endpoint that's responsible for receiving and parsing your SAML assertion. |
Start URL | | The URL at Localize that starts the SAML login process. |
- For the Name ID field, select Basic Information and Primary Email
- For the Name ID Format field, select Email
- Click Next
- The Attribute Mapping window is displayed. Attribute mapping is optional and beyond the scope of this guide.
- Click FINISH
- A confirmation dialog will be displayed.
- Click OK
Step 4: Turn on your SAML App
- In the SAML Apps: Settings page, click EDIT SERVICE
- In the Service Status panel, click ON for everyone
- Click SAVE
- Make sure that the email addresses your users use to sign in to Localize match the email addresses they use to sign in to your G Suite domain.
Updated over 3 years ago