Project Overview

Get a bird's-eye view of your Project

Localize For Web

Getting Started

If you are still setting up your project, the Project Overview page will display the Localize Tag you will need to install onto your site.

  • To get started, copy the tag and paste it into the <head> tag in your website, on all pages that you want to Localize.
  • If applicable, you can use one of our integration guides to install Localize.

Post Installation - Project Overview

After you've successfully gotten phrases into your project, you'll see the following displayed:

  • Project key: Your unique Project Key - this is needed to integrate Localize into your website
  • Project Announcements: An announcements board where you can post announcements to your team.
  • Links to possible next steps for working in your project.

Localize For Mobile

Getting Started

If you are just setting up your project, you'll see the Getting Started page, which will guide you in getting your project set up.

We typically recommend that you get a quick start by manually importing some source data file(s) and exporting your translation file(s) using the Localize dashboard, followed by optimizing your workflow using the Localize CLI.

See the following for instructions:

Post Installation - Project Overview

After you've successfully imported phrases into your project, you'll see the following displayed:

  • Project key: Your unique Project Key - this is needed to use the CLI or the REST API
  • Project Announcements: An announcements board where you can post announcements to your team.
  • Links to possible next steps for working on your project.

Localize For Documents

Project Overview

  • To get started, upload a source document.
  • Then inform your translators to download the document to translate it, then upload the translated version.
  • Or get machine language translations for these document types:
  • For more details see: Quickstart for Documents

You'll see the following on the page:

  • Project key: Your unique Project Key - this is needed to use the CLI or the REST API
  • Project Announcements: An announcements board where you can post announcements to your team.
  • Links to possible next steps for working on your project.